How to Save Money on Expensive Pond Fountains

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Want to save money on your Pond Fountain? Here are easy ways to save big.

The most effective way to save money on a Pond Fountain is by customizing the materials used. Small things, like building your fountain out of resin instead of stone, can save you hundreds of dollars on your project.

Are there other, cheaper materials? Are certain types of fountains easier to maintain? We’ve addressed all these questions to make sure you can save money on your pond projects!

Choose Your Materials Wisely

The material you use plays a significant role in the total cost of your fountain. As such, it is important to take into account the different materials used, and their respective pros and cons. These are the cheapest available materials to use when building a fountain, without compromising a quality look.

Resin Fountain

A resin fountain or plastic fountain is the cheapest option on the market today. Although cost-effective, there is one caveat: they are also the least durable and likely to chip when exposed to severe weather conditions. Expect the cost for a resin fountain or plastic fountain to range from ninety-five to around six hundred dollars.


Similar to Resin fountains, these are also lightweight, making them convenient for installation. Additionally, they require little maintenance and the fountain can even be made to look like stone, a statue, and many other things typically found in more expensive products such as marble. It is also cost-effective: A fiberglass fountain can start as low as a hundred dollars to over a thousand.


A rock water fountain is an easy way to make your water fountain look natural. There are many options available, from more natural-looking rocks to more antique, such as statues. Rock fountains tend to be on the heavier side, so keep that in mind. They will generally cost one hundred twenty to around two thousand dollars.


Ceramic fountains provide another classic option. The broad array of colors to choose from along with the shiny look make them an attractive option to many consumers. Expect a small ceramic fountain to start around one hundred fifty dollars and large, while larger, more extravagant ones will cost over three thousand.


A concrete fountain is durable and can withstand the elements, making it appealing for less moderate climates. With this in mind, it is important to note these fountains are heavy and generally become permanently set at their location. Costs run between three hundred to twenty-five hundred dollars for a concrete fountain.

Choosing Your Type of Fountain

Just as the type of material used in the fountain plays a significant role in its total cost, so does the type of fountain is used. The type of fountain you select will also greatly affect the extent to which the materials play in your total cost. Here are some of the most eloquent and budget friendly options.

Sprouting Fountain

Sprouting fountains are known for their striking effect of shooting water out or up into the air. This effect can happen can happen regardless of the size of these fountains, but it is important to note the larger ones tend to create more noise. Costs run between one hundred to thirteen hundred dollars for a spouting fountain.

Self Contained Fountain

A self-contained fountain is convenient, as it has all needed parts included in the unit. This means everything from the pump, to the plumbing, to the power source are all inside. This makes the installation process much quicker and easier. These are also portable, so you can take them with you if you relocate. Costs for a self-contained fountain generally range from one hundred to over two thousand dollars.

Cascading Fountain

Water gently flows downward in a cascading fountain. Find small cascading fountains as well as large ones with rocks, spheres, pots, or many more options for designs. Expect a cascading fountain to cost between one hundred fifty dollars all the way up to several thousand.

Waterfall Fountain

Waterfall fountains generally come in glass, rock, or metal options. They are attractive, while still maintaining a reasonable price. A simple waterfall fountain will start around one hundred sixty dollars and while fancier ones will go for several thousand.

Choosing Your Means of Installment

As you would expect, the cheapest way to install your new fountain will be by simply doing as much of it you can yourself. Certain things, such as preparing the ground for the fountain and assembling the foundation are not overly complicated and will save you the burdensome labor costs.

There are, however, certain aspects that will require outside assistance, such as the plumbing and electrical work needed for the fountain to run properly. When Hiring out a Plumber, expect to pay forty to seventy dollars an hour. Similarly, an electrician will charge $40 to $100 an hour for their services.

The overall cost of their services will largely be dependant upon the size and complexity of your fountain, so keep that in mind beforehand.

If you, however, do not feel comfortable or qualified with the Do-it-yourself approach, no worries. The majority of fountain and waterfall companies provide fountain installation services, with everything for prep work, electrical work, plumbing, and assembling included. The labor cost associated with these installations can range from $40 to $64 an hour, but the final cost will vary based on the actual business.

The fountain installation generally only requires a single working day from start to completion, with an exception for larger or more elaborate fountains. Many landscaping companies that specialize in adding water features also provide installation services, but they tend to charge higher rates compared to the Fountain companies, generally billing much more in comparison.

How to Save money on Pond Fountain Maintenance

Saving money on the purchase and installation of the fountain is a win, but it’s only the beginning. The next challenge is the inevitable maintenance that it will require. Fortunately, there are several easy ways to save money on your pond fountain’s maintenance. Here are some of the most prevalent reasons for pond maintenance, and how to prevent or treat it cost-effectively.


Algae can only grow when it has the right light, nutrients, and water. If these are not all present then algae cannot grow and flourish. This is why algae grow near the surface, where the light is plentiful and hard to block. The easiest and most cost-effective solution to this problem is aeration.

Through aeration, Phosphorus is removed from the water, which in turn prevents the growth of Algae. By using an aeration system to circulate the water, you can create unfavorable conditions for the algae, which will not only kill it off, but will also prevent future growth.

Dirty/Murky Water

Dirty water seems like a small and rather insignificant problem, but over time it can seriously hurt the aquatic ecosystem of your pond, in addition to making your fountain look unclean. Dirty water is a common and often frustrating issue, as it has many different causes that all show up as a single result, making it tricky to initially diagnose the exact source of the problem.

Generally speaking, dirty water is generally the result of either suspended sediment particles or suspended algae floating in the water. The root of this particle suspension can generally be narrowed down to runoff into the pond, fish, wildlife digging in the bottom sediment for food, or excessive water movement in the pond made by things such as waves, or aerators.

The easiest and cheapest way to keep your water clean is by adding a buffer zone around the pond that allows the water to slow down and drop out any particles it may be carrying. These buffer zones are cheap and easy to make. They can range from a simple rock bed, to simply a flat area of land.

You can also use emergent water plants like cattails and reeds to keep the shore stable and prevent erosion if a buffer zone is not possible for your fountain. Through these small and simple means, this serious problem can be prevented, and your fountain can stay clean and healthy.  

Weed Growth

Weed growth and s in your pond often an indication there is a rich source of nutrients exist on the bottom floor of the fountain or pond. These nutrients tend to take the form of a brownish sludge that will begin to form along with the bottom layer. Weeds and algae mats require certain factors, such as light, nutrients, and the appropriate water to grow and survive.

With this in mind, we can hinder this weed growth by denying them these necessities. There are a number of products that that claim solutions for this problem, but they often fail to mention the negative side effects that often occur, like stains, or making the water inhabitable for fish.

Fortunately, there is a quick easy, and free solution to this problem. First, identify where the weeds are, and manually pull them out. Next, to prevent future growth, use a barrier to starve them of the sunlight they need to grow.

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We always wanted a fountain of some kind at our house, but professional installation was just too pricey. So, we decided to make our own little fountain and after learning how, we thought we should share our experiences to help people in our same situation.

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