Explained: Do pond liners come in different colors?

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Pond liners are an important part of any ponds base and protection, and while liners come in a multitude of different textures, and materials, you might be worried about the color. No one wants a bright pink pool liner to become an eye-sore in your backyard! Lucky for you, you have more to choose from than that.

Pond liners can come in all types of different colors. The most common pond liner is black, however they can come in white, blue, green, and a variety of other colors. Natural colored liners are popular, and are the best if you’re looking for something seamless. 

There are a few types of liners that are better for certain ponds than others. When you’re considering what color liner to pursue, there are a few things to keep in mind.

What To Consider When Choosing a Liner Color

When considering what color liner to use, there are a few things to keep in mind. Consider the weather, is it naturally warm where you are? Then you’re going to ultimately want a lighter colored pond liner. Dark colors can absorb heat, and thus heat up the pond itself which can cause damage to any wildlife within it.

Also, consider what it will look like. Whilst your favorite color may be purple, a purple liner might not be the most aesthetically pleasing one to the eye.

You may also want to consider the price. Black liners are the most common, and are going to be your cheapest option. If you’re looking for a different color or an uncommon one, you may be charged more. Color is harder to produce and more expensive, so your bill may be higher.

You may also want to consider that most pond liners get covered in algae and rocks. Picking a brightly colored liner may be for naught if it ends up getting covered! 

Blue Liners

Blue liners come in a multitude of shades and tend to be great for saltwater ponds or tanks, and are great at making your pond stand out. These can be used for the bottom of fish tanks in your home, or in the bottom of your bonds. If you’re using a blueliner, make sure you’re using lighter sand and rocks to line the bottom as stand-alone blue can stick out especially in the sunlight.

Blue is also a great liner to use if you want the water to appear clearer. Darker colored liners can darken the pond itself, and make it hard to see. Blue liners are great if you’re looking to brighten it up! There are downsides to blueliners, in some situations, it can reflect in the way of a pool, which can be unappealing. However, when complemented with the right colors, can look great!

Black Liners

Black liners are the most common pond liner you can find for purchase. They’re a great neutral color that can match with anything! It’s great for making the liner seem invisible, and for emphasizing any decoration or colorful rocks you may decide to put within your ponds. However, there are a few things to consider if thinking about buying a black liner, one of them being heat.

The color black retains heat, and in the summertime, if your pond gets too hot it can kill and animals or plants. Black liners are generally discouraged in hotter climates because of this. It also darkens your area, if you’re wanting your pond to be well lit and easy to see, a black liner might not be what you want. 

Tan or Gray Liners

Tan and gray are both great neutral colors for a pond. They neither absorb heat nor make the water too dark. These are common colors for anyone wanting to make the bottom of their pond or tank look as natural as possible.

A tan or gray liner can enhance different colored rocks or compliment other colors around your pond. Both of these colors are also great to hide within your yard. They’re often used to be the most natural option as a liner and can be a great option.

White Liners

White liners are also a great way to stand out, and a great way to keep your pond cool. If you live in an area that is regularly hot, a white liner is going to be one of the best liners to use. It can create a great aesthetically pleasing pond if you’re looking for a way to stand out.

If you’re wanting to line a tank, this is also a great way to keep things vibrant, without keeping things over the top! White, however, can stain. If using it to line a pond, it can very obviously show any drop in water and can hold stains for quite a long time. 

Colorful Liners

If neutral colors aren’t your fancy, there are a whole world of different types of colors. Any color you desire can come into the color of a pond liner. However, these are often not used too commonly as they can not only be an eyesore but can be hard to style. So whilst you may want a black and yellow liner, you may find it to be hard to “make work.” 

Where to Buy Liners 

If you’re interested in buying differently colored liners, there are a number of places you can look. Home Depot, Lowes, or any other home improvement store is a great place to start! Often there are going to be standard black liners or perhaps gray. 

In some situations, if you are having your pond built by a private company, they may have liners for you to pick from. If this is the route you pursued, they will discuss with you the type of liner they believe you should choose. 

There are also great websites you can look at, that offer a variety of different pond liners! pondliner.com, amazon.com, and thepondoutlet.com, all hold pond liners in a variety of colors. All you need to do is select the color and size! 


Whatever color you choose is going to look great! Just keep in mind what will be best environmentally, and what will match your price needs, and get to work!

If your thinking of dying your water feature, check out our article on water dyes.

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We always wanted a fountain of some kind at our house, but professional installation was just too pricey. So, we decided to make our own little fountain and after learning how, we thought we should share our experiences to help people in our same situation.

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