Reviewed: The 5 Best Paints For Water Features

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Water features are beautiful focal pieces but sometimes they need a little pop of color, or a nice dark coating to help the fish and plants stand out. There are a variety of paints, sprays, and sealants that can be used to add some color to any water feature.

Paints for water features come in a variety of forms. Five of the best paints options include:

  1. Pond Shield Non Toxic Epoxy Liner
  2. Liquid Rubber Waterproof Sealant
  3. Flex Seal Liquid Rubber In A Can
  4. Krylon Fusion All-In-One Spray Paint
  5. Performix Plasti Dip Multi-purpose Rubber Coating Aerosol

When you’re picking a paint for your water feature, you’ll need to consider a few factors. These include durability, toxicity, safety, price, and paint format. Below we’ll explore 5 of the top-rated paints for water features and ponds, as well as a few guidelines to be aware of when making your choice.

Pond Shield Non Toxic Epoxy Liner

Any time you’re looking for a safe, durable, water-proof paint, an option from the Pond Shield line of products is sure to show up. Pond Shield (or Pond Armor) is one of the top paint brands that is perfect for a water feature.

This paint is chemical resistant and is designed to withstand a range of temperatures as well! It will continue to hold strong during a winter freeze, or a summer heatwave.

Of course, it’s also non toxic and fully safe for fish and aquatic plants. The paint can be applied to a variety of surfaces, including wood, stone, metal, and plastic. It can also be dried and ready to go in as little as 24 hours.

There are a few factors people should be aware of before buying though. This paint is a surface coating and provides even coverage, but it can crack if it is jostled or struck. This product is strong but a bit brittle.

It’s also one of the more expensive options on this list, but it’s widely available and it is a top name in the industry.

For more information on this product, including color variations, pricing, and delivery options, visit Amazon (FYI – we receive commissions on qualifying purchases at no extra cost to you)..

Liquid Rubber Waterproof Sealant

Another coloring option is liquid rubber. Liquid rubber is a good alternative to paint because it is more flexible, and less likely to split or tear. If the coating experiences trauma, it can bend and squish instead of breaking.

This product creates a smooth surface that limits algae growth. This can come in handy if you’re sick of scraping or cleaning submerged rocks! It can also be used on many different surfaces, including metal, wood, concrete, stone, and plastic.

This liquid rubber is temperature resistant and will stay intact during heat fluctuations. It’s also completely safe for fish and plants to interact with.

On the downside, there aren’t many colors available with this product. It’s mainly offered in black or white, so if you’re looking for a larger range of colors, this may not be the right choice for you.

For more information on this product, including color variations, pricing, and delivery options, visit Amazon (FYI – we receive commissions on qualifying purchases at no extra cost to you)..

Flex Seal Liquid Rubber In A Can

This product is another liquid rubber option. Flex Seal is a well-known family of products famous for its water-proof capabilities. If the format of a liquid rubber product doesn’t work for your water feature, you can also explore the other variations offered by Flex Seal!

This material comes in a variety of other forms that may better suit your needs, including spray paint, tape, and liquid paint.

Like the previous options, Flex Seal is non toxic and safe for fish. It’s also resistant to chemical erosion and the growth of mildew.

Unfortunately, just like the other liquid rubber option, there are limited color choices available for Flex Seal products. It mostly comes in black, white, gray, or clear. This may work well for a base coat, but if color is your goal, this may not be the best.

For more information on this product, including color variations, pricing, and delivery options, visit Amazon (FYI – we receive commissions on qualifying purchases at no extra cost to you).

Krylon Fusion All-In-One Spray Paint

Krylon is a big name in the world of spray paint, and this fusion all-in-one offering is a great option for outdoor painting projects. It works well for all kinds of projects, whether they’re below water or above!

Once the paint has been applied and dried, it’s completely safe to submerge. Along with it’s quick drying time, it also won’t flake or crack, making it safe for fish to interact with.

This paint works particularly well for smooth surfaces, like plastic. It could be used on other materials, but it doesn’t act as a sealant for porous rocks or wood. If color is the only goal, this will work out well!

Speaking of color, one of Krylon’s biggest draws is their huge catalogue of colors. It comes in the standard black and white offerings, but there are hundreds of other hues you can buy as well.

For more information on this product, including color variations, pricing, and delivery options, visit Amazon (FYI – we receive commissions on qualifying purchases at no extra cost to you).

Performix Plasti Dip Multi-Purpose Rubber Coating Aerosol

This aerosol option offers the best of both worlds. It has the convenience and quick application of a spray paint, with the texture and flexibility of a liquid rubber.

Performix can be applied to a variety of surfaces, including glass and plastic. Another benefit is that, while it is durable underwater, it’s also easy to remove when desired. All you need to do is find an edge and peel it off.

Once again though, the color options of this product are limited. Matte black is the standard offering, which will work for a variety of projects. This is a popular paint and it is highly ranked by thousands of customers!

For more information on this product, including color variations, pricing, and delivery options, visit Amazon (FYI – we receive commissions on qualifying purchases at no extra cost to you).

Choosing The Best Paint For Your Water Feature

Many people enjoy the beauty and the connection to nature that a water feature provides. But many people also like to add their own personal touches to these features with a little bit of paint!

We’ve explored several of the most popular paint choices in the sections above, but everyone needs to look at their own unique water feature and decide which one will work best for them.

First of all, look at the size of your water feature. If it’s very large and includes several distinct parts, you might need to consider the time and money it will take to paint everything. A bucket of paint will only stretch so far after all, and some of the options on this list are quite expensive.

Also, keep in mind that multiple coats are sometimes needed in order to get a firm, durable layer of paint.

Next, consider which parts of the water feature will be painted. If the main painting will happen underwater, you need to pick an option that is safe for fish and aquatic plants to interact with. All of the products above are non toxic and should be safe for fish, but you’ll need to make sure they’re properly applied.

There is a risk of some paints peeling, cracking, or flaking. Many fish mistake these paint chips for food and can end up getting sick or dying. Make sure your paint is non toxic and will stay intact, even after a long period underwater.

But if you’re just doing a bit of accent paint work on the dry parts of the water feature, you can choose any number of outdoor paints that aren’t specifically designed with fish in mind! As long as you know the dry paint won’t bleed into the water supply or flake off, you can use whatever type you want.

Finally, consider what type of paint or sealant application you prefer. Some will be easier than others, depending on the setup of your water feature and its components. There are paints that can be sprayed, rolled, or brushed on.

With very few exceptions, extensive painting will need to be done when the water feature is empty, clean, and dry. If you just want to paint some loose rocks or decorations, those should be removed from the water and set aside to dry as well.

Apply as many coats as necessary and make sure the paint is fully dry before submerging it. Stay on the safe side with this step, and allow some extra time for drying after you believe the paint has set.

Some painted items should be gently rinsed and scrubbed few times before submerging them, but follow the directions on each product to make sure it is safe to do this.

Once the paint has been applied, dried, and sufficiently prepared for your setup, you’re all set to fill the water feature and begin introducing fish and plants to the system. Keep an eye on the fish and the paint for the first few days. This caution will help you notice if the fish are getting sick or the paint is wearing out.

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We always wanted a fountain of some kind at our house, but professional installation was just too pricey. So, we decided to make our own little fountain and after learning how, we thought we should share our experiences to help people in our same situation.

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